
I just transcribed some lyrics off a great album, "Big Amazing Songs" by Jeff Harms. I am in love with one of his songs, and since I (to my alarm and surprise) couldn't find the lyrics online, I just had to sit down and write them down as I listened. Anyway, its a fascinating lyric. Here it is:

you said hey lets get a beer
it might be nice to go out together
what if we just stop here
it's cold and I, I need a sweater

i feel it's never clear
when to look for the change in the weather
when to smile when pull you near
does it happend today
will I, will I wait forever

you said remember on that back road
just past Windermere [?]
the heat was stuck on
we sweat through the leather

you had a map and I was trying to steer
we were laughing and having the greatest time ever
we lost control and we hit a deer
the car jumped and the axel was severed

you say you're clairvoyant
you wanna be clear
and you just
can't see us together

in that small moment so full of fear
just a few seconds lasted forever
my head was ringing there was blood in my ear
and police sirens and a man with a lever

your eyes cut through me
like those steel cutting shears
you said not to leave you
I promised I'd never

we have our differences
but they wont interfere
you're so beauitiful
and you said once I'm clever

I'm the one boy who doesn't leer
at the scar that slices across your shoulder
you used to dream of us and the life, the children we would reer
me and a house and a church and whatever

you say you've grown a lot since then
you feel wiser and freer
you said you don't wanna leave
you just stared at the river

you said hey let's get a beer
it might be nice to go out together
what if we just stop here
it's cold and I need a sweater

i feel it's never clear
when to look for the change in the weather
when to smile when to pull you near
does it happend today
will I wait forever


Anonymous said...

nice boy. when do i get my cd back;)

Anonymous said...

like her too... ;)

Anonymous said...

btw this comment was meant to b for leela....sorry