It slays me every time

Don't ANSWER the questions. Finish the sentence, as if you wrote them yourself.

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... tasted of sweet mint gum.

2. I am listening to... Regina Spektor, ode to divorce.

3. I talk... sparsely, when people are listening, or stupidly when I am nervous.

4. I love... the Girl, music, intense experiences of beauty and truth, and yes, my family

5. My best friend(s)... are slipping further and further away though I still cherish them.

6. My first real kiss... was fumbly and awkward and with someone i still love.

8. I hate it when people ask... "What do you do?" followed by "what does that mean?".

9. Love is... untangible, dangerous, explosive, lethal, red.

10. Marriage is... a promise one should intend to keep.

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking... about me.

12. I'll always... have my ups and downs, and my sweet tooth.

13. I have a secret crush... that would cease to be secret if I published it online.

14. The last time I cried was because... something was going wrong for the Hobbits.

15. My cell phone is... my watch, and my most frequently used means of communication.

16. When I wake up in the morning... I want to stay in bed, and much to often I do.

17. Before I go to bed... I try to remember to do some twisting exercises for my back, which often is accompanied by an episode of Simpsons/Futurama/Arrested Development or other series.

18. Right now I am thinking about... my constant inefficiency and ineptitude, lazyness and lack of ambitions.

19. Babies are... fragile little pink poopmachines that are sent to take over the world.

20. I get on myspace... hoping to someday understand what the point is with myspace (I still don't, it sucks mildly)

21. Today I... should work a little more before I escape and crawl into my girlfriends sheltering arms.

22. Tonight I will... make out, hopefully. Or finish Harry Potter.

23. Tomorrow I will be... one day closer to a new apartment.

24. I really want to be... rich. Filthy rich. I'd still study, mind you.

25. I really want... an avengful vegetarian God to start intervening and set up a reign of peace, love and socialism.