.A very unproductive weekend. Popaganda pop-festival in Stockholm was visited on friday, but the ridiculous cueing and low level of alcohol in my bloodstream combined to make me a grumpy and boring visitor. And also made me completely fuck up all ambitions I may have had on enjoying the actual concerts. I saw the Tough Alliance, who were good but not my kind of live-act (all playback and a lot of song on tape), and then some of Jens Lekman and he disappointed me with bad sound and not the emotional performance I expected.
.Saturday I did fuck all. Went running, grocery-shopping, watched TV and pretty much that's it. As far as I can remember.
.Today I went to city centre, looking at shoes and trekking clothes but not buying. Stayed far away from book or cd shops. I don't need that. I am dreaming of buying a digital camera, a Canon 350D, 20D or a Nikon D70S. Maybe it's too soon though. then I thought I was going to work for some half-hearted poster work, but as I had forgotten the keycard at home I jumped busses and went home.
.playing guitar and drinking tea.
cups of coffee: 1, 3 tea
listening to: bright eyes
mood : lazy