..today. nothing is easy to grip.. i feel jumpy and tired at the same time. . gott agoot ggootatta go. but where I dutnnot know,.. better eet out of the naauighberourhood.. before they hfacall the ppolice .. but i ddindnt meean to do ooit .. it wasnt nt ntpo not muy falt . wehher to fo.. go .. hiidn under the highwsy ofverpass., lcakk lack of provgreess.. all th mucsi is noicesse i nmu y head. radical .. freee and rasdiacal..
if haevte to get to th eapp tlasce thaap t la taggat that plöacace oolapclea´plcpalce plawcppalclplcppp pl pplcpp place plca a plöc´p plca place . to tht place ,. i ened nedd that styuff .. for my heatlh .. have it inunder hcontrlo . uncsd uinder oncntrol .. stop schoutin g oi m right ghere.. tririh tri i ..
call me whe in t its over.. .i cahnt stande the sight.. death is to big for me... he still cant' see or hear anyting . . hewont knwo. call me when itäs over.. ill be att the cafe. dringking coffeee more coffe.. i ca'nt bee here but i wwill stay .. I will stay awaske,,, awake..
at least the sun is shining