oh, and if anyone could help me to choose a new mobile, thatd be great.
Sonyericsson W700, K610, K510 are on my list.

Heard about it through the semicrystalline poly-iso-butylene

New pictures up on flickr.
Still working hard so no real updates going on for the site or other sh**t.
I am going to Gothenburg on the 19th and staying til the 22nd, so holler if you want me!
Wowsa, I am so totally stressed out. I think I may crash and burn on these courses I'm taking. But then again, so far everything I've ever done has proven to be easier than expected and why should this be any different. And on the other hand, if I should fail these courses it'll be a new and probably fruitful experience.
Sadly, the stress is always a good catalyst for ideas. My photographic creativity is bubbling under the surface but there is no time to let it burst out.
Other plans include a website, music, and bowling.