The Chimneysweep

Yeah, so anyway, monday night i went down to see a visiting italian friend, on a touristic adventure in sweden with 4 friends. We met up in a sunny and B-E-A-Utiful capital city, strolled around and caught up on people places and things. Then, inevitable, they (and I, I guess, but I prefer so consider myself a spectator) did the restaurant treasure hunt. Wandering around, getting more and more hungry but not able to settle for any place in particular for reasons of price, selection, location, blabla; which usually, as it did tonight, ends with an expensive place with so-so food. I REALLY enjoyed dinner, some weird fish (the guilt is nagging at me) with a great sauce and a baked potato. It was expensive as hell though, and I nuked this months budget on that dinner. Shame.
In alles it was a pleasent night, but it's always hard when there is a language barrier. Italian is hard when your playing it one-on-five. So I mostly got to practice my spanish with C.
Then there was the great end of the evening when I, not for the first time, misjudged the availability of trains and buses going between stohlm and uppsala. I had a few desparing minutes on the central station until I remembered I have a brother, who lives outside of stockholm. He saved me with a couch and has now also lent me his nintendo X-BOX which will severly decimate my "free time". But OH, man its a nice feeling playing video games. I miss it so much. It's gonna be a blast trying to get through Zelda - Windwalker (orwhateveathenamewas) in a few weeks of concentrated gameplay.
ok time to play
see yall next year

I'm alpha kdup
