Let's see for how long I'll have energy..
Came back last night at 1am to Uppsala after what has been a long and complex week.
1st things 1st, and where I went initially was Glasgow, to meet my friends B and I. This here to the left is them, on top of some hill in Edinburgh.
The first day was a saturday and we went to do some sporting to give the weekend a good start. I put away 2k in the swimming pool while the B knocked some (shuttle-)cocks around. Suitably fit for fight we then hit the town for some bean burgers at bar91.
Then we went back home, chilled with cups o tea, the backbone of brittania. Mr L was arriving during the day, and we made arrangements to meet up later. We took the car to Balfron outside of Glasgow where B was to partake in an event about a Gambian village and the projects of exchange and development that was underway between it and a Scottish village school. B is involved in a solar project, which is going to install a small solar electric system in the village, providing artificial light, a medical refridgerator and perhaps some additional power for a computer station.
The evening was interesting and inspiring for the most part.
then we went back to glasgow for the traumatising experience of tumbling down the crabbit hole into B's sister bachelorette party. Six highly intoxicated young women in purple glitter wigs, dancing, shouting, drinking and generally making very little sense. They were nice though, groping aside.
we par-teed at McPhlabbs pub until and beyond closing time, the girls left earlier, but we stayde on for drinks with the barman. In retrospect i feel like the drinks may have been watered down, because I can't understand otherwise how i could still be standing.
Not letting this stop us, we went to "Cantremebere" nicht-club for dancing to the classics like MMMMmmmbop and others. During some confusion when we left, B ordered two Jack and Cokes. Realising he was the only one left inside, he determedly downed both of them and came out to join the rest of us.
Sunday, we slept in. Then went to Edinburgh for a daytrip, just walking around in a hazy foggy city. I was feeling weird, carsick or hungover. Coldsweating. We did the city mostly in a car and then climbed onto a hill (see photo on top). After the hill we dove into pizzas and colas as if they were life-boats. I felt saved and helped and cured. Then we went for coffee.
Sunday night we went to see some live jazz, but ended up at salsa-night. All beat and tired, we ended early and went to sleep.
Monday I got into town with B, bought a bottle of scotch and left for the airport.
Flight to Dublin. Arrived into rain and felt like shit. Nervous, dizzy. I found the bus to Galway and borded it. As the four hour ride neared it's end I felt better. The sun was coming out and I was listening to good music in my iAudio and I could feel quietly optimistic. Still, I couldn't get that I would soon see her.
I sank completely as I got off the bus in Galway. I couldn't find my bag in the luggage compartment. Well, couldn't find sounds wrong. It wasn't there. No bags where left after the other people got theirs. So I could coldly conclude that mine was gone. Some knuckle-head, sheit-for-brains, pure evil little pissant took it out of the luggage compartment somwhere during the ride. It fried my brain. Realisation of what I had in it came to me in flashing shocks, like blows to the head. My presents for Her. My glasses and contact lenses. All my clothes, my favourite clothes. My favourite shoes. My house keys. My cellphone-charger. Instead of arriving to a safe home, I found my self being pushed of the plank, panicking.
Luckily, only seconds later She arrived and could take me in her arms, a lot weaker and more vulnerable than I wanted to be. When she held me, I realised that things were already getting better. Those first minutes of panic where past, and I was moving away from them. During the following days I had to face many moments of materialistic anguish, feeling like a part of me had been cut off. Most of the practical problems were solved within 24hrs. I got new lenses, new underwear and a pair of shoes and some tshirts.
In part II i'll tell you how things went with me, the Girl and Time.