Stop me, won't you, if you've heard this one before

I have the answer: Its... Radio!!!

Q: Vad är det första prinsessan Madeleine gör på morgonen?
A: Klär på sig och går hem.
Q: What is the first thing (swedish) princess Madeleine does in the morning?
A: Gets dressed and goes home.

A full deck of rubber necks

What is a wake up call. Try not to feel a little ashamed when you feel relieved and justified to hear your co-worker is considering sick leave because of the stressful environment and the inability to let things go. Maybe it's not just me after all. Maybe there is something a little askew with this organisation. I feel sorry for her though, that it should have to go that far, and I also start wondering exactly how far away from that am I? Not that I've felt this as something horrible, just a sllight annoyance, a little irritation. Cue a hundred more days of that. It might just be enough, a chinese water torture of the modern world.
I read Souly's blog, so I feel the need to talk a little music. Saw a live act on friday, a swedish guy called Borgert (forgot the first name) with "his" band Holy Madre. It was like a good Håkan Hellström, without the teenie-bopping crowd-pleasing shenanigans. Just good popmusic, good lyrics.
Other than that my headphones blare out:
-PJ Harvey - Nickel under your foot (peel sessions)
-Placebo - 36 degrees, second sight, special needs
-Radiohead - Fog(again)
-Pj Harvey - This mess we're in

Musical dissapointment is that Laleh cancelled her show in Uppsala. Why? Dunno. Doncare. Isucks.

These days have otherwise been filled with considerable amount of videogamin, Xbox, playing Zelda. It's not all that good. I've played a few games extremely superior to this drivel. But there is the need to finish it though. Not a strong one though.