
I feel so nice just when you're here
The reason why is not so clear
I knew the first time when you told me
I'd fall in love just as you'd hold me

And now I want to stay at your side tonight
I want to watch you as the sun lights up your eyes
I want to know when you wake first thing you see is me
You're all the things I prayed that I'd meet

Så naivt och enkelt men så vackert framfört så jag mjuknar

Now playing: Res - Tsunami
via FoxyTunes


If that's what you've done, welcome back, and sorry for URL-jumping these last few weeks. The grass, it turns out, is not greener. I've come to the conclusion that the blog-engines are not the best format, for me, to publish photographs so instead I put up a section on my website dedicated to that. You can find it here ( Check it out. Check back in and see it unfold.
Maybe this means I'll rediscover blogging for it's most useful purpose, mindless egocentrical ramblings. Time will tell.

Have a nice evening.


in for not working properly.. and for the ads on the blog.. i guess I'm back? We will see..
Here's from saturday.