Does it sting your face to run in the snowstorm

I just handed in the lab hand-in assignment that I have struggled with this week. Or the Hand In Ass, as I like to call it. It was a bitch, but being a phd student just changes your perspective immensly on studying (well, mine anyway), making it so much easier since I'm doing relevant things. Things I want to learn and want to understand, and know WHY I am learning.

I feel a slight cold approaching, but that's what you get (I get.. again with the pronouns..) for swapping saliva with sick people. Was it worth it? Does a cat's lips move when it reads? Yes, it was entirely, profoundly worth it.

Have worked a lot this week so today I am going home early. Picking up my snowboard in town, and then home for some house-cleaning, relocation of furniture, wash-day ("nothing clean, right?"). and some planning for tomorrow, and then, depending on my state of coldness etc. either an early night or something spontaneous.

"That's not the electric light my friend
That is your vision growing dim"

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