Warm beer and cold women

Been home now for a few days. Since wednesday afternoon to be precise, and I've had my head in a daze ever since. And not in a good way for a good reason. No no. I've had fever-induced halucnations and pounding headaches, weak knees and runny nose, sore throat and red eyes. Punishment for my sins, you say? Nay, I refute that notion. I've been a good boy lately, apart from the drinking of course, but that's just what is expected from a new years week.

This weekend has, thus, been a week and bed-bound affair (still not in a good way for a good reason), where I've been mostly playing computer games and watching Seinfeld. This was a bit annoying for several reasons. One reason was that I had a date in sthlm yesterday that I had to cancel. Another that I had (vainly, I know) planned to spend some time this weekend on preparing for the workweek and workweeks ahead. Yet another that I need some time to ..deal with this woman in my life. Not knowing so far, exactly what or how to ..or anything.

Exceptions to this bedbinding was yesterday when F was in Uppsala and I went in to town to meet him for a fika, a whisky and another fika. nice chap. we spoke of subjects close to our hearts; women, careers, friends, women, writing, men&women, kitchens, and of course women. Some intersting points of view were ventilated. I wonder now, what do you think; why are there so few couples in sweden living together (compared to other european countries)?

And today I spend doing a wash and talking to T, my flatmate. I am reminded of a great thinker, a friend of mine, and his wise words. "Well, it's not that I mind living together with women, but they do have around 30'000 words to spend every day". Truer words were rarely spake.

Now time to empty out the drier. And refill it.

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