Women are evil

so here i am
listening to a conversation between one of my flatmates and her friend. losing whatever trust and illusion i had about women. please someone tell me otherwise. comments like "oh come on, it's 2005. show me the woman who isn't sleeping around." it's scary how close reality seems to come to south park's "stupid spoiled whore" episode. and it SOO bothers me the lack of shame, the lack of decency with which they (seem to) have an "extra" guy even when they have a boyfriend. the fuck is going on?
i think, i don't know, but maybe there is some sort of feeling that there is a universal injustice of men having slept around for centuries, and now my friends are trying to catch up. i am seriously starting to doubt the continued image of women as having been virtuos and men spreading their "wild oats". if there is common genetic material, women might have been just as bad but 10 times as sneaky.
...oh.. I don't know.. I just would like to maintain my vision (illusion?) that most PEOPLE try and want to be faithful. maybe even fall in love somtimes and trust each other. most people I know and like anyway.


Anonymous said...

Sorry man, won't tell you otherwise. Life is life, eat it or starve!

M said...

There's a fine line between faith and denial. It's much better on my side.
Cherish your vision... Desillusion is dangerous business.

Anonymous said...

well... as usual i don't think it's a question of man or woman, good and bad...people are humans and everyone is different from anyone, much depending on how they've been treated in the past (i know you can't blame everything on one's childhood, but at least on the past! :))..anyway, just wanted to tell you to please continue to believe in women/people/mankind. i can only speak for myself but i never have anything but good intentions. i don't sleep with guys i'm not emotionally involved with. i have a boyfriend that i really like and i don't even look at other guys. there ARE aliens such as myself out there so keep looking and don't loose hope. people talking like that looses in the end you know that. i mean, sex without love is like a chocolate chip cookie without the chocolate right? ;) send you a big huuuug to warm up one of those cold swedish winter-nights

PerOskar said...

If it was a choice I could be proud of it, but it is just a fact: I still believe, I still believe that I and those I love and cherish are good (in the way that I value things) and pure people with their hearts at the head of the board of directors.

Of course, their is nothing evil or extraordinarily bad about sex without love, but it's the desillusionment and the cynicism that is often at the bottom of such a lifestyle that grinds my gears (that annoys me).

To be continued..

Anonymous said...

:) i didn't mean there's anything bad about sex without love, it's just not my cup of tea