Lessons about my self

1) I dream romantically. I calculate cynically.
2) I will fight nail and teeth to stay Hopeful in the face of Promise
3) My need to understand people's thinking is exceeded only by my painstaking dissection of their speaking

And then

I didn't stop


"All these moments
will be lost
in time
like tears
in rain"

the bed bugs

I stayed up too late again..

Reason is a killer - Attraction is truth

Oh, hi.

I feel strange.

.I feel strange.

..I feel strange.

...I feel strange strange strange.

Can't really.. formulate.. articulate.. There is this lovely, unbelievable thing that just seems to not want to happend. The problem with too good, too close, too beautiful is, of course that too only pushes the good the close the beautiful ...further .....and ............further .........................away

but I just want it closecloseCLOSE. I want to feel it HERE, that hair HERE, those lips CLOSE, close my eyes over HER, hear her HERE, her smell HERE.

Why isn't "I want to be with you" enough. Why isn't "With you I feel good, safe, warm, and blessed" the only thing you need. These rules we set up, the IF, THEN, ELSE of love, do they really exist.. I feel like no. It's not a logic progression, just the scent of your obsession will tell you. It's feromones, serotonin, adrenaline.

But now

.As I said

..It just feels strange

...And I feel so alone

....Thegoodtheclosethebeautiful is so far

.....Too far

Another swedish Tiger

You brought this all on yourself
Don't try to pin this one on me
Tonight I give up at last
I am now a memory of your past

Women are evil

so here i am
listening to a conversation between one of my flatmates and her friend. losing whatever trust and illusion i had about women. please someone tell me otherwise. comments like "oh come on, it's 2005. show me the woman who isn't sleeping around." it's scary how close reality seems to come to south park's "stupid spoiled whore" episode. and it SOO bothers me the lack of shame, the lack of decency with which they (seem to) have an "extra" guy even when they have a boyfriend. the fuck is going on?
i think, i don't know, but maybe there is some sort of feeling that there is a universal injustice of men having slept around for centuries, and now my friends are trying to catch up. i am seriously starting to doubt the continued image of women as having been virtuos and men spreading their "wild oats". if there is common genetic material, women might have been just as bad but 10 times as sneaky.
...oh.. I don't know.. I just would like to maintain my vision (illusion?) that most PEOPLE try and want to be faithful. maybe even fall in love somtimes and trust each other. most people I know and like anyway.


As a general rule, don't try to solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.

Frozen winter shit

Define feeling complete: I have Baldurs Gate II and Heroes of might and magic III. If you know nothing of these thing, imaginge the safe feeling of a soft safety net that never will let you fall into complete boredom.

yesterday was a good night
I went with I to the Tiger Lou concert at Katalin. Tiger has gotten a little heavier and darker and harder, but still oh so f*cking good. I bought the new CD also.. spinning heavily around my players.

"this is how it feels to be special
I wanted to kill you the next day"

On a wing and a pear

"Please ask me where I am going to"

"All combat takes place in rain and fog, in the middle of the night, at a folded corner of the map"

Where I lay my hat

Pictures of the new apartement at http://oskarino.fotogalleriet.se, if you are a PO-voyeurist...

Up with the sun

So, I've realized that both with and without reason the contents of this blog has slid toward the fragmentary and vacuous. And I guess that makes for a less interesting blog. So, soon I will write down a concise, chewey and chunky update about what is actually factually going on. Be patient, I predict it will take a week or so before it actually happends.

In the meanwhile, here's me, Jacob and Linda from this friday, Kalmar nation.

I feel like a freshly flushed bowl

The best song name right now: "Leila came over and we watched a video"

Dewey, Cheatem and Howe

"never get up in the morning on a saturday"

I am in material love, cuz I'm a material boy

sigh. i am liking life in this new place. another hungover morning, but it's nice. nice people and somehow more freedom.

Everything bit the girl

I'll put my suitcase here for now
I'll turn the TV to the bed
But if no one calls and I don't speak all day
Do I disappear?
And look at me without you
I'm quite proud of myself
I feel reckless, clumsy
Like I'm making a mistake
A really big mistake

Listening mostly to
Everything but the girl
Tears for fears

Maybe I should eat...

A strange sense of loosing one's way while standing still.
I am now, currently, presently, residing in my new abode, the New Place, an apartment neighbouring a sushi place and a pizza place. In honor of which I made home made pizza last night. We had a great birthday/house warming party in only few numbers (6 to be exact) with red wine, good food, and an ok barnight at Escobar (1st visit for me, a second one may not be very imminent).
Today, properly tired and hazy. I sent my parents back to Northern Territories with my TV (liberation!!) and a smile. then I've spent most of the day watching God's Army, South Park, and reading a book called 'mess' - not the english word mess, but rather the swedish slang for SMS - with varied success. God's army is a great old religious sci-fi film with surprising actors such as Christopher Walken, Viggo Mortensen, Amanda Plummer and Eric Stoltz. Good for sunday mornings.
Ideas as Opiates
say what you want
say what you will
'cos i find you think what makes it easier

and lies spread on lies
we don't care
belief is our relief
we don't care