A girl with a bird she found in the snow

A girl with a bird she found in the snow

And on an informative note Spotify have recently removed some of my favorite albums so some past links may not work anymore.. Boo and hiss. It is an annoyance that agreements with record labels and artists seem to be subject to random changes without information.


For this reason I feel I should tell you that there are alternatives to Spotify, albeit being on more shaky legal ground and I have no idea if the artists get anything for being listened to. Check out grooveshark at www.grooveshark.com. It's free and it's commercial free. I just figured out how to share tracks from GS so I'll be starting to do that from now on when Spotify fails..

Take care

Peace on earth


They made it past the enemy lines

They started out beneath the knowledge tree.
Then they chopped it down to make white picket fences,
And, marching along the railroad tracks,
They smile real wide for the camera lenses.
They made it past the enemy lines
Just to become enslaved in the assembly lines.