Qué and A

1. Slept in your bed besides you? Harry
2. Whos bed you slept in? Harrys
3. Saw you cry? Harry (this is getting monotonous, ney?)
4. You saw a movie with? Harry (I aint kiddin man)
5. You went to the mall with? hmm, mall.. well that would be Karin in Dresden
6. You went to dinner with? My entire deparment tonight...
7. You talked on the phone with? According to my mobile: Dani
8. Broke your heart? wow, thats a good question.. CP probably, if we're talking properly broken
9. Made you laugh? Well, I must've laughed tonigt.. Ulf?

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue
2. Be serious or be funny? Nothing is serious, so funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? whole fat milk fo real
4. Die in a fire or drown? No way in hellsinki would I choose to burn, so drown i guess
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Wats rong wid parents? I like mine. I squish my enemies like chestnuts on the sidewalk.

1. Simple or complicated? simple, but no one would ever guess..
2. Gay? Nay!
3. Hardcore? We are all soft and pulpy. Ask any surgeon. Peaches are hardcore.

1. Do you like anyone? WtF mate? Take a big whopping guess when you read through the preceding lines.
2. Do they know it? She better know it..

1. Sun or moon? sun
2. Winter or Fall? good question, seasons are there for their relative excellence... the beauty is in the variations.. fall is beautiful though
3. Left or right? well, left i guess, I'm a little gauche..
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? 2 best friends. thats the way I work. acquaintances are murals on the walls of life.
5. Sun or rain? sun, again, you twatt
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? VAnilla Ice dude

1. What time is it? 01:29
2. Name? P to the O to the W-E-S. Well actually it's Per Oskar
3. Nickname(s): P-O, that's about it. No one ever managed to give me a nick that stuck. Well, maybe the Pimp. The Tapdancingpimp.
4. Where were you born? Ornskoldsvik.
5. What is your birthdate? Guy Fawkes night
6. What do you want? just Her and Time
7. Where do you want to live? in the ocean, on a mountain, by the beach
8. How many kids do you want? dunno. one?
9. You want to get married? don't really care.. its a formality

1. Nervous Habits: bite nails, drumming hands,
2. Can you roll your tongue? yup
3. Can you raise one eyebrow? fink so
4. Can you cross your eyes? ja
5. Do you make your bed daily? nope
6. Which shoe goes on first? rrrrrright
7. Ever thrown one at someone? a shoe? no
8. On average, how much money do you carry with you? I would say 100 SEK ~10€
9. What jewelry do you wear? one piece of eyebrow piercing

1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I like my spaghetti like I like my women..
3. Favorite ice cream: whichever is closest to my mouth
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? two?
5. Do you cook? Does the Pope shit in the woods?

1. Had sex: yes
2. Bought somthing you didn't need: oh yeah
3. Kissed someone: yes!
4. Sang in front of people: yes, both solo and in a comforting mass
5. Been hugged: :D
6. Felt stupid: every day
7. Missed someone: yes!!
8. Got drunk: right now
9. Got high: no
10. Danced Crazy: not sure, no I guess
11. Gotten your hair cut: no
12. Cried: just a little
13. Lied: no big ones.. maybe tried to impress some coworkers?

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