Maybe this year will be better than the last

Inspired by Soulfighter I shall give a try to concisively conclude the year of 2005. One thing seems painfully clear though.. The Fighter has had a lot more time and energy to spend on the cultural sides of life everyday. But still, I'll give it a try:


*top 10 CDs
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Frida Hyvönen - Until Death Comes
Decemberists - picaresque
Four Tet - Everything Ecstatic
Arab Strap - Live Request Show

Ani Difranco - Knuckle Down
Tori Amos - The Beekeeper
Foo Fighters - In your Honor
Tiger Lou - The Loyal
Rufus Wainwright - Want Two

*top 10 Live experiences
Tiger Lou - Katalin, Uppsala
Robyn - Hultsfred Festival
Tori Amos - Hultsfred Festival
Arab Strap - Nice'n'sleazy, Glasgow
James Orr Complex - Nice'n'sleazy, Glasgow

Tegan & Sara - Hultsfred Festival
Magic Numbers - Hultsfred Festival
Ane Brun & Wendy McNeill - Katalin, Uppsala
Johan Borgert & Holy Madre - Parksnäckan, Uppsala
Live cuban improvisations - A hole in the wall, Barcelona

*The Clothes
Black T-shirt and Jeans. Forest green Fleece.

*The Food
Hands down most eaten this year: Beans on toast. Good, nutritious and lots of possibility for variations according to mood

*The Book
All the books by Chuck Palahniuk that I read in the beginning of the year, still stand out

*the people
Newcomers, the lovely Nurse (I am a lucky, lucky boy to have met her), the Post-Doc, the Mother. A trio that, separately and in their very own ways, have made this year memorable. And of course all my old friends.

*the trip
Norway. Beautiful and free. Road trips are the very best (i know, gasoline, energy crises and what have you, but man! this is my one thing..)

*the drink
hmm.. this year, I dunno, nothing special .. oh but yes! of course! I've had my red wine renaissance this year... so that's it, Red Wine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ja det förbigångna var ju ngt av ett mellanår tycker jag, så jag är övertygad om att det blir bättre.