For dinner tonight: PICKLES!

I can't seem to spend too much time blogging these days. And maybe that's because a lot of other stuff, that actually might be worth writing about, have come in the way of my writing about them. Not to worry, eventually I will be bored and have a lot of free time on my hands to write about my boredom.

Some of these things I mentioned are the Hultsfred Festival and a trip to Barcelona. And so even though I will not sitt here and write about them in detail I have finally uploaded some pictures for your enjoyment.

go fast drive safe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mannen...
He mirado tus guapisimas fotos! Entonces... como fue tu viaje? Divertido?
Tengo noticias de ti por tu blog, como siempre... y al fin he logrado dejar un mensaje para "darte" un gran beso!
Hasta pronto!